
Monday, February 10, 2014

Twitter’s Tips

Twitter’s Tips
Twitter is the abbreviated version of Facebook, and while its options are not as complex,
many people find it simplicity very useful. One great thing about Twitter is that it allows
you to develop more professional and casual relationships, not necessarily 'friends' but
followers.  In fact, Twitter is far more often used as a means of advertising new pages of
content, recruiting employees and clients, answering customer service concerns and
other business concerns.
The Real Time Search: This option allows you to search topics on what people
are talking about and is a great to discern trendy new subjects and other market
research. In fact, one of the latest rumors is that Google will buy Twitter, and
incorporate an even more effective means of searching the entire web and
matching keyword content. Twitter and other social networks are arguably more
popular than email services, since users can check their messages from any
location (including mobile devices), and thus are easier to contact.
$Interact with the Latest News: You have a choice of interacting with the latest
news stories or commenting on the website’s most popular keyword searches.
You can click the 'Discover' or the 'Connect' tabs to explore your options. You can
find more friends or even surf the new categories option for a Yahoo-like
approach to various channels in the Twitter zone.
$Followers: The key to earning traffic through Twitter is to create a huge list of
followers. The best way to do this is to focus on writing excellent niche content.
Give serious thought to your tweets and try to make all of your microblog posts
informative or entertaining. Some individuals (not celebrities!) have actually
earned millions of followers just because they kept a running journal of thoughts
and stay in touch with their circle. One way to earn bigger traffic is to take a look
at other users who are operating in your niche. Find them and look at their
followers. Follow them and correspond with them about the subjects they find
interesting. In this respect, you can use Twitter like a blog site, and build your
own community of users.
Just remember to keep tweets regular (there are actually programs that help you
schedule tweets) and, once again, to avoid repetitive company promotion and actually
hold a conversation with your followers. You can gain more traffic by reposting good
tweets, by linking to excellent resources, and replying to all tweets sent to you, thereby
building online relationships.  (And these sources may eventually become your

LinkedIn’s Linking
LinkedIn is not as popular as Facebook or Twitter but it is quickly gaining a reputation as
a serious business site. And when you first log in to LinkedIn, you may be alarmed at its
setup, which is far more complicated than your typical Twitter or Facebook page.
LinkedIn, although it has been following some of Facebook’s new layout designs, is
actually more interested in creating connections with business associates than
socializing with friends.
Questions and Answers: While Yahoo Answers may be a top rated site for
questions and answers, the LinkedIn Q&A section actually is taken far more
seriously, and thus has better quality answers to pertinent questions. These are
questions asked by professionals and answered by professionals, all parties
eager to represent their brand with class and intelligence. By showcasing your
knowledge, in this rare instance, a case where people actually DO want to talk
about business concepts, you can draw people to your profile which contains all
of your social media links and website URL. Another idea to consider, carefully
choose the questions you answer, knowing that “big name” company
spokespersons will be among the first to reply. Rest assured, they all read the
comments, and will notice your name (and company representation) if you
impress them. LinkedIn is special in that it’s a great place to meet new customers
and new clients at the same time. Just be sure to avoid giving the same answers
to all new questions.
$Profile Stats: You can actually see trends and statistics on who viewed your
profile, a great way of finding potential new business links or customers.
Find Jobs: You can search for jobs directly using the jobs tab and can post jobs,
apply for jobs or post a resume online, which could lead searches to you.
$Find Companies: You can search for individuals as well as company-grouped
profiles, or follow companies you find relevant to your industry.  
$See News: Check out the latest news from the 'news' section and see how
various companies relate to it. Follow influential people and their actions. You
may even link with them, which will work wonders for your traffic if a big name
ever blurbs you.

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