
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Facebook’s Features

Facebook’s Features

Facebook is a website that capitalizes on personal user relationships. Facebook is the
place that boldly brings together friends, family members and acquaintances from all
walks of life. In fact, many people actually avoid talking or even listing their business
and instead just enjoy time off with their friends. We can blame a series of well-publicized Facebook 'Fails' for this, you know the boss is always watching when you
make fun of the company in a public forum.
So yeah, that and the fact that no one wants to swear in front of grandma, just keeps
Facebook a very work-less environment. The moment you start mentioning work,
people become annoyed.  (Unless of course, you’re complaining about work!)
On the other hand, no one really cares what you say on your profile, because it’s
perfectly fine to say who you are, what you do and where you work. It’s the sort of
conversation you would have at a bar, right? Besides, people do actually want to know
who you are, they want to know of what “use” you are to them. For example, if you say
you’re a doctor, everyone will definitely take note of that and call you up the next time
they have a question.
It’s the same principle with anything you do, as soon as you say that you work in a certain field, you are deemed the expert and your associates identify you with your
products and your business. No, they don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to hear
you rattle off catchphrases and talk about great deals. However, if an issue comes up
they will definitely click your profile and visit your website. They will be seeking you out,
looking help with their customer needs.
This is the secret to social networking, and quite frankly, the secret to all sales in the
new millennium. Do not try to sell on Facebook, attract your customers. Besides the
ability to create a detailed profile full of links, Facebook also has these other advantages:
$The Ability to Share Photos and Videos: Facebook allows you to share photos
and videos among friends, which can be funny, touching, motivational or
controversial. These are great at stirring reaction, and the more people you have
chatting, the more your brand is getting around. After all, your goal is to be the
brand. So, not talking about business is not really a big deal if you are using your
personal time to promote your company’s values.The Ability to Connect with New People: Facebook lets you connect with old
friends (who it actually seeks out according to your personal Internet logs…
creepy, huh?), reply to messages and send private messages. It also has various
forms of communication, from direct conversation to status updates, to
highlighting articles you have read, which others might be interested in. The point
is, you can engage your audience on a social page and earn their respect as a
friend, long before you ever bring up business. Creating a long list of contacts is
the first step to using social networking, as you are building a large and
personally invested audience. Remember to make your page public if you hope
to get extra publicity. You can also like or share pages that are not only
interesting to you, but reflect the values of your company. In essence, your
behavior is part of your brand. Out of curiosity, people will 'stalk' you just to see
what you like, what you say and what you believe. It’s all great for publicitlty

free leads  this can help your business grow with no cost to you

this is a good business to start lost 7$ month

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