
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Social Networking

Social Networking—Get Out and Mingle!

Social networking is not just fun and 'in' for 2012, it is also a guaranteed way to get free
traffic. After all, social networking is free and it means hours and hours of free publicity
for your company…that is, if you can get the lingo and the 'culture' (if you will) of sites
like Facebook and Twitter.
This first point to understand is that social networking is not at all like sales, or even
anything like your official website. When someone visits your website they want to read
sales information and content about your industry and your services. However, when
people are in the mood to socialize, they simply want to chat, goof off, share
information, share links and stories and generally have fun.
In fact, coming across as a 'company' or speaking only about things that concern you
and your great products is probably going to rub people the wrong way. This is against
the very nature of social networking, a place that is more like a playground or like a
lunch break room than an 'office'.
So, how can you use social networking to increase traffic? This is an issue that still
confuses many business owners, as their pages may only receive a handful of likes and
never stimulate conversation. Inevitably, the site owner wonders, what did I do wrong?
Here’s the secret; you must learn each individual social networking site, and use its
unique features to draw in traffic. You must become not just part of the crowd, but part
of the Facebook crowd, part of the Twitter crowd. Let’s take Facebook as an example.

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