
Saturday, March 8, 2014

the key to succses/CHOOSE YOUR DESTINATION 3

Chart Your Destination

The more time you take to decide upon your destination
and your goals, the faster and easier it will be for you to
reach them. Your future intent will determine your pre-
sent actions every day.
Begin with perhaps the most important question of
all: What do I really want to do with my life?
When you set goals for yourself in any part of your
life, be perfectly selfish. Idealize. Determine exactly the
conditions that would make you the happiest and give you
the greatest satisfaction if you could attain them.
Imagine that you could wave a magic wand over your
life and make it perfect in every way. What would it look
like? What would you dare to dream if you knew you
could not fail?
When you ask this question, imagine that you have no
limitationsof any kind. Imagine that you have all the time
and all the money, all the knowledge and all the skills, all
the friends and all the contacts, and all the education and
all the ability that you need to accomplish any goal that
you set for yourself. Put another way, imagine that you
have a credit card with no limit and you can fly off to any
Your Ideal Career and Income
Begin with your job and career. If your income were
ideal, how much would you be earning? If your work-
place were perfect, what kind of a company or organiza-
tion would you work in? What kind of people would you
work with? If you could design your job, how would
you most enjoy working, and in what ways would you be
the most productive? What special talents and abilities
do you have that you would like to use at the highest pos-
sible level?
Since you are going to have to work at a job for most
of your life, one of your chief responsibilities is to be abso-
lutely clear about the perfect job for you. As Napoleon
Hill said, “The key to success is to determine what it is
that you most enjoy doing, and then find a way to make a
good living doing it.”
If you could do just one thing all day long and be paid
well for doing it, what would it be?

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