
Sunday, March 9, 2014

how to be succsesful/CHOOSE YOUR DESTINATION 4

Your Natural Talents and Abilities

child comes into the world
with secret orders. What are yours? What were you born
to do? What are the special talents, abilities, interests, de-
sires, and skills that make you unique—different from all
other people? How do you know when you are doing
what you are meant to do? How can you tell?
Here are ten indicators that you can use to determine
that you are in the right field, doing what you were put on
this earth to do:
1.You loveyour job. It interests you, fascinates you,
attracts you
You want to be excellentat your job, to be among
the top 10 percent in your field.
3.You admirethe top people in your field and want to
be like them, to achieve their same level of success.
4.You like to learnabout your chosen field—to read
about it, attend courses and lectures on it, listen to
audio programs about it. You never tire of learning
more throughout your life.
5.The right job for you is something that is easy to
learn and easy to do. It seems to come naturally
to you, while it is difficult for most others.
6.When you are fully engaged in your work, time
stands still. You often forget to eat, drink, take
breaks, or rest.
7.Success experiences in this field give you your
greatest feelings of self-esteem and satisfaction,
your peak experiences in life. You can hardly wait
to achieve success again.
8.You like to thinkabout your work and talk about
it when you aren’t doing it. It is interwoven with
your whole life.
9.You like to associatewith other people in your field
and to “talk shop” on every occasion.
10.You plan to do this work all your life, to never retire,
because you enjoy it so much

It has been said, “Do what you love; the money will
follow.” True success comes from discovering what you
love to do and then throwing your whole heart into doing
it better and better. Determining your ideal job or career
is essential to your choosing your real destination and ful-
filling your potential.

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