
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Email Marketing

Email Marketing—Making “Friends” with Your Customer

Email marketing is vastly misunderstood by many business owners, who either loathe
SPAM (and don’t we all?) or by business owners who want to use SPAM to get cheap
traffic and attention. Sure, SPAM is a great way to get people to look. Virtually
screaming about cheap drugs, sexy products or “books that will change your life” do get
noticed quickly.
However, the huge proliferation of SPAM ever since the Internet first launched in the
public eye has destroyed the reputation of legitimate email marketing. (SPAM is
essentially, cold-emailing people with a business proposal…and especially with
hyperbolic text promising the world). SPAM is also associated with overseas scam
operations. Luckily, most of us are too smart to respond to these sneaky emails.
Now if you can look past the SPAM approach, and convince your audience that you are
not one of them, you will be able to generate traffic. The hard part comes in establishing
a stellar reputation.

The Difference between Real Email Marketing and SPAM
SPAM is not necessarily an unheard of concept. After all, it’s a slightly less targeted
means of direct mail marketing, a long-time tactic used by local companies. The only
difference is that it is online. The broad mail marketing approach is comparable to a
banner ad or a commercial on TV. You’re taking a big chance by cold-contacting your
audience with a 'personalized form' pitch. Mail marketing has the advantage of the mail
presentation; people have to open the letter and then read the headline. Something that
a TV or radio ad does not offer. Usually, research is only limited to neighborhood
segmentation i.e. targeting the poor or the wealthy, or according to rural or urban areas.
However, the online version of direct marketing clearly has some superior technology
working for and against it. Online email can be automatically arranged. No real return
contact information is required, since fake email addresses can be easily created and
IPs can be faked. This has led to many unsavory users creating scam companies and
launching huge email campaigns to sell their faux products.
Why is SPAM illegal in some areas? Why is it banned by virtually all webhosts? Why do
ISPs go through great pains to separate your SPAM from personal email messages?
For that matter, is it really unethical to SPAM somebody?
SPAM suffers from bad associations, having been 'pioneered' by scam artists and poor
marketers. What truly offends people about SPAM is the robotic nature of the campaign.
Messages that are sent are practically soulless, even if they use a customer’s name.
Therefore, if you want to use email marketing to gain traffic, your first order of business
is to separate yourself from the rabble of the profession. What is the ultimate customer
 complaint about SPAM? That these guys are emailing them non-stop all without any
consent or the slightest hint of permission!
So, step one is to get that all important consent form, and the best way to do that is to
use an opt-in form. True, you can actually cold-email companies and ask for consent.
This is a 50/50 proposal, and you may be ignored, or you may be replied to, based on
your proposal idea. Before trying the direct approach, be sure to scout the company and
make the introduction letter sound as professional and yet as personalized as possible.
Otherwise, the only way to go about serious email marketing for traffic generation is to
go the opt-in route. Simply put, you get consent to send email messages to your
audience on a regular basis. This has three advantages:
$Your audience is less likely to unsubscribe if they have willingly opted inThe fact that they have opted in convinces them that they are interested in the
product; they are more likely to buy; and
$You separate yourself from spammers who send messages indiscriminately.
When it comes to opting in, some campaign managers are happy with one opt-in form
(usually an email signup box) while others elect for double opt-in signups, which may
require clicking a link inside of an email message after signing up, or checking a box
before submitting an email address.
Once you have permission to send emails, and actually have their FULL attention
(meaning no instantly deleting emails or a software program automatically sending it to
a spam folder) then you can focus attention on creating an intricate email campaign that
communicates on a personal level with your customers.
Many Internet users actually prefer email communication when it comes to sealing a
deal or making a sale. They want that one on one attention if they are to spend their
money, they prefer the assurance of a human being rather than a robot auto responding
to their purchase. So in lieu of this, though you are going to be using auto responding
tools, do not make your email content seem like a form. Instead, take advantage of this
secure and private connection and make an attempt to personalize letters and
personalize responses to questions if you have the time. After all, many purchases still
go through email (using PayPal, or freelancer sites like or auction sites like
Ebay) rather than social networks or even home websites.

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