
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Traffic solution 2

You’ve Built It…But They Will Not Come!

 Traffic solution 2

Didn’t the old expression go, “If you build it…they will come?” Yes, so imagine how
disappointed website owners are when they spend thousands of dollars on a new
website (probably complete with flashy animation, cool artwork, tons of photos and a
great online store) and yet no one comes. It’s discouraging enough to kill a web
marketing campaign entirely.
However, it’s important to understand that building a website is merely 'step one'.
Creating great content is 'step two', and then there all of the steps afterwards, and this
is what many website owners forget. Creating a website is just the first part of an
aggressive campaign of content development, community outreach and link building.
So, if you have created a website (perhaps even overseen its development for a few
years) and yet things are stalled as far as traffic, it’s time to re-evaluate your strategy.
Understanding the Role of the Website
One common misconception is that a website is like a brick and mortar store built right
in front of a crowded highway. Chances are, if you build a McDonald’s in front of an old
highway you’re going to get some decent foot traffic, because they all see the
development. However, a website’s development is practically invisible to the masses,
unless you happen to buy the '' domain.
Instead, websites have to be 'discovered' and there are only a handful of ways to do this
for free. Furthermore, the website is not the catch-all solution that web hosting
Instead, websites have to be 'discovered' and there are only a handful of ways to do this
for free. Furthermore, the website is not the catch-all solution that web hosting
companies and marketers make it out to be. A business website is just one avenue in a
complete set of business applications that can be used online.

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