
Sunday, January 19, 2014

tips in marketing/Newbie Success

Opt-in Form – This is the code that you get from your autoresponder service that

allows the prospect to enter their name and email address and submit it in order
to get your offer.

That's all there is too it. Now you may have been around on the Internet and seen
many different types of lead capture pages. The type of lead capture page you use is
dependent in most part on the way it is used. There are long page lead capture pages
where you read through a lot of paragraphs of sales material before the opt-in form.
There are short lead capture pages that are also called splash pages, that will fit in one
frame in your browser. These are short and to the point and have very few words, just
a few bullet points and an opt-in form. There are also pop-up opt-in forms or just an
opt-in form used on a website that says, For Updates, Fill In Your Information Here

It is important to create nice looking, effective squeeze pages. If
you don't have the programming skills to create a nice page, it
can seem daunting. However, with Instant Squeeze Page
Generator you can create sleek looking squeeze pages with
point-n-click simplicity. They even give you the product to give
away! The best part is you can get a membership for free!
Get Your Free Lifetime Membership to Instant Squeeze Page Generator Here.

It is important to create nice looking, effective squeeze pages. If
you don't have the programming skills to create a nice page, it
can seem daunting. However, with Instant Squeeze Page
Generator can create sleek looking squeeze pages with
point-n-click simplicity. They even give you the product to give
away! The best part is you can get a membership for free!
Get Your Free Lifetime Membership to Instant Squeeze Page Generator Here.

Utilize The Opt-In Process - After you have captured the lead, then what? A mistake
that many marketers make is that they don't utilize the opt-in process to add value to
their offer. What they do is they tend to use the Thank You page that is provided by
their autoresponder company that basically says, Thank You For Your Subscription.

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