
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Press Releases

Press Releases

Press releases are articles that are written solely for news purposes, and are intended
to get attention from editors, website owners, agents, and all sorts of other news
sources. Whereas writing a press release that gets picked up by a national magazine is
somewhat difficult, writing a press release that passes online syndication’s standards is
fairly easy.
Press releases have to be:
$In professional article format, not conversional text or sales copy;
$Newsworthy, as in a mainstream news story; and
$State an item and then provide increasing detail with a link and contact
Press release distributors will not pick up poorly written press releases, and this is an
especially rotten feeling to experience, especially if you’ve spent big money on press
release distribution.  (Some sources like PRWeb charge upwards $200 for each
submission). The good news is that a press release can easily make the 'news' tab and
receive maximum exposure in a small period of time, if it is deemed truly newsworthy.
Topics for news angles could include subjects like inventive new products, customer
incentives, celebrity endorsements, big name client signings, news trends, charity
partnerships, and the like. Stuff that would actually make the news and not just a
conversation between search bot and WordPress!
In fact, sources like Yahoo and Google only pick up popular stories that are published
and syndicated. Most of the top press release distribution sites don’t archive old press
releases, and so are limited to 30 days of maximum exposure. Some press release
sites do archive old stories permanently and these are usually free sites, not major
publicity companies. Still, free press release submission can certainly help you build
quality links, and certainly cannot hurt your standing as long as you keep the conten high caliber

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