
Friday, February 28, 2014

PPC Advertising / Text Links

PPC Advertising / Text Links

PPC is usually not something associated with free web traffic generation…because by
nature it costs companies to use its technology. This is an alternative to SEO, and while
it does use similar logic to the search engine algorithm, it is more about whoever bids
the most per click.
Not only do you publicize your company through text ads, but you also benefit by
“impressions”, which are the number of times your company text (or banner) is seen by
an online audience. They don’t have to “click” to get an idea of who you are. PPC
companies (like as Google and Facebook, the two most well known examples) make
money not only by the total number of clicks you pay for, but also because they demand
a high impression count so that they continue to make money.
How does this concern you as a business owner going after free traffic?
First, there are free introductory PPC deals you can look into. Why, even some web
hosts are now giving away $50-100 of free text ads. There are also true-blue free PPC
sites out there, such as seen at Squidoo (a popular directory that lets you create
individual web pages).
Of course, “free PPC” is only a few steps away from “affiliate linking” opportunity (our
next topic to discuss), since both methods involve trading clicks and impressions from
one company to another. Of course, with affiliate networks, you also have the option of
making money or paying money.

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