
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Create a Traffic Monster—The Thrill of Going Viral

Create a Traffic Monster—The Thrill of Going Viral
Ultimately, you will never earn 'big' traffic unless one of two things happens; you get a
big following after years of building a loyal customer base, or two, you go viral and get a
little instant fame fast. Remember what Andy Warhol said about everyone getting their
15 minutes of fame? Well, when you create 'viral' content online you can actually get
multiple sessions of 15 minutes. You can get literally thousands of unique visitors within
a few days, or perhaps even within a few hours if you hit it bigJust how does one create 'viral' content, the type of content that creates a media
sensation and causes the “snowball” effect?  The snowball effect is essentially what
happens when friends share content, and alert more people to do so, and then
eventually everyone wants to see it because the world starts discussing it.  And it has
happened countless times before, whether we’re talking about an adorable baby video,
a great article, a swell interview or even an urban legend that spreads all over the world!
Of course, it’s not so easy to simply create something “viral” and wait for the snowball
effect to happen.  Very many pages have been created, sometimes according to the
formula of viral content and with every intention of creating a storm of controversy…but
then they were ignored.
It’s hard to predict what the Internet (and what a million of friends of friends) will find
interesting and what they will deem worthy of sharing.  Bear in mind that no one feels
compelled to share anything, just because the content is there.  In order for someone to
want to share interesting new content with other people, that person has to emotionally
respond to it.
To some extent, it’s reasonable to say that people want to share “unique content.”
Something that is new and hasn’t been seen a hundred times before does sometimes
get a big reaction.  This is precisely why many people choose to create video content in
hopes of branding their image.

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