
Thursday, December 19, 2013



Tim Hayden (@TheTimHayden), the author of The Mobile Commerce Revolution (Pearson, May 2014), suggests that CMOs in 2014 need to think ‘cloud’ first as the vast amount of channels, systems, media and networks that make marketing ‘work’ will grow even more over the next 12-24 months. As Hayden indicates: “If the CMO believes that social media changed the marketing game, mobility has exponentially changed everything in marketing, sales and fulfillment. Being able to integrate these systems and reconcile data on a daily basis is the only way the CMO’s business will stay aligned with the speed of today’s audience/consumer.”
Tip #2: Bias for Action
James Mendelsohn, the CMO at Can Capital, suggests that marketers will be well served by getting into the market quicker, reading results faster, and being more agile in action. “In the current multichannel world, with increasing consumer options and the ability to find alternatives easily, it’s vital for marketers to be able to pivot quickly. Even when you‘ve got long lead times on the actual product pipeline, the promotional and marketing tactics can (and probably should) shift as you get market (feedback). This might be a ‘back to basics’ message, but my observation is that a lot of marketers are taking a ‘manifest destiny’ approach and forcing campaigns to completion even when it’s clear they aren’t generating the kind of return / response that’s necessary.”
Tip #3: Don’t Fall Behind While the World Moves Ahead
Dr. Christopher Puto, former AACSB board member and Dean of the Opus College of BusinessUniversity of St. Thomas, suggests: “Marketing fundamentals, such as meeting customer needs, effective positioning and messaging, and knowing the competition haven’t changed in decades.  However, the technologies and data sources for tracking these are changing at warp speed.  Failing to keep up is a certain recipe for falling behind, but today’s environment offers many more ways to stay abreast than in years past.  Whether it’s attending a conference, participating in a seminar, enrolling in an online class, or attending an executive education program, there are more tools and resources than ever before to help you improve your competitive edge.  Bottom line:  pick one area and make this the year to learn something new!”
Tip #4: Learn Google Analytics
Bryan Semple, the Former CMO of VKernel, now part of Dell Software, indicates: “Perhaps this is too unorthodox for a CMO, but every CMO with a strong online presence should be fluent in how to analyze, understand and evaluate at a high level their online traffic.” Semple indicates that this skill is necessary to ‘walk the talk’ with their team and gain credibility with senior executives. Semple further indicates that “most CMOs today grew up in a different environment and need to gain online competency to be an effective marketer. Relying on the online team for answers and analysis is a missed opportunity to dig in and observe the online flood of prospects that pass through the company. Should a CMO routinely spend time in Google Analytics? Probably not, but understanding the concepts of online analytics will make a CMO more effective in all aspects of their job.”
Tip #5: Don’t Focus on Profit at the Expense of Growth
Ben Reiss, the Founder of Creative Los Angeles, indicates that executives from many smaller / mid-sized firms are so worried about the bottom line that they adopt a state of analysis paralysis when it comes to planning for the future. Focusing on profit while ignoring the planning that can lead to growth can be costly and prevent the executive from achieving long(er)-term business goals. Reiss’ tip is to focus on both profit and growth, being open to new ideas.
orgianleJacquelyn Smith

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